Hello Affiliates, Welcome to the BitSimple Millionaire Model Affiliate Program
Watch our Exciting Affiliate Welcome Video to Begin

We Want to Introduce You To the Hottest New Ebook on JVZOO and … explain why you should promote this program.
First Off, We are Not New To Publishing Having written nearly a dozen books since 2007 !
This Ebook Has:
Demographics Study Done
Target Markets Identified
Momentum to Scale Upwards
An Honest Message
Affiliate Support
The Timing of this latest Ebook is Nearly Perfect (Coinciding with the Bitcoin Halving Event April 18)
Also, Be Sure to Watch the Landing Page Video to be sure you understand why Mass Adoption of Bitcoin is So Important Right Now
First Off, we pay you 75% Commission (Graphics are At the Bottom of the Page)
Here is our Best Email Swipe, Created Just for Affiliates:
(if you would like us to write a more targeted email for your email list just let us know)
Hello [name],
Today, You are in the Right Place at the Right Time.
This week we met Les Oke and he introduced us to his research into Bitcoin and the Crypto market.
You See, Right now there is a ‘Knowledge Gap’ between the people who know and understand the importance of Bitcoin (very few) and the people who don’t know the importance of Bitcoin ( the majority)
This ‘Knowledge Gap’ is your Opportunity !
Did You Know : Over 88,000 Millionaires have been created with Crypto ! Most of them in the last 5 years.
These people have bridged the Knowledge Gap and you can too.
Since 2017, Les has been interviewing hundreds of ‘New Crypto Millionaires’ (894 at last count). He had this very unique opportunity while working as a VIP Asset Manager for a large Crypto Exchange !
What did he ask these Millionaires? (you guessed it)
‘How Did You Become a Millionaire with Crypto?’
And do you know what, They Told Him their exact plan, and even went so far as to encourage him to share this with others.
When Les proposed writing a book in order to share the wealth of knowledge presented by these ‘New Crypto Millionaires’, Friends got involved (when he told them what he was doing).
And over 800 of the Millionaires interviewed supported the project too with editing, proof reading and advice.
His excitement for the project had sparked something in all of them, and Les even admitted it had sparked something in him too – He really wanted to become a Millionaire too !
The plan was actually quite simple, and because most of the Crypto Millionaires had used Bitcoin to get there…
Les called it…
‘The BitSimple Millionaire Model’
He has created a video for us all to watch to learn about this simple crypto investment plan and why it’s so important to get started right away.
Watch the video right here
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You May Be Wondering Why we said ‘You are in the Right Place at the Right Time?’
According to Les, ‘Mass Adoption of Bitcoin is right around the Corner’. This one financial event will change how we look at money forever ! A New Financial System- Decentralized, Self Governing and Secure is coming! Be ready.
Update: With the Bitcoin Halving Event (which only occurs once every 4 years) signalling the start of the Crypto Bull Market, your timing could not be better.
We just don’t have the space here to explain everything in detail why this is so important so take a few minutes to watch the video. It explains everything you need to know in order to take advantage of this huge opportunity.
Watch the Video Now to Learn How To Get Started.
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P.S. We look forward to talking more with Les about his new book ‘Bitsimple Millionaire Model’ and sharing any updates with you right here.
Know Your Market:
Making Sure You Know Your Customer is Critical To Success
as an Affiliate !
We have worked with Hundreds of Affiliates over the Years.
Let’s Dive Right In:
The Demographics of Crypto is Very Specific.
We Have However, Identified Two Very Specific Groups of
Customers That Are Mostly Being Missed Right Now !
And one main group who are crypto enthusiasts.
Demographic Basics:
Let’s Give You The Basics First.
Crypto Users Are:
70 % Male, 30% Female
Age 28-43 (Millennials) Largest group at 41% of Total
Age 16-27 (Gen Z) 60% believe they will be Crypto Millionaires Someday
22% of all Crytpo Owners Are Still In High School ! (Gen Z)
Age 55-65 (baby boomers) are least likely to own crypto at 9%
Most Crypto Owners have an income under $25,000 (Gen Z students)
Most Crypto Owners have a University Degree
Average Crypto Owner has $1000 of Crypto (mostly bitcoin)
60% of Crypto Owners are Motivated by ‘Making a Profit’
82% of Crypto Owners Use an online exchange to purchase Crypto
44% see Crypto as a ‘better alternative’ to Banks
62% like that the value of Crypto is not decided by a government or authority
48% are motivated by being part of something innovative and alternative
22% of Crypto Owners also Trade Stocks on a Regular Exchange (baby boomers)
64% of people do not know how Crypto works
Yes, We Do Our HomeWork
What Does This Tell Us :
This is a lot of information for us to work with.
3 Distinct Groups Emerge
Main Group- Millennials
Crypto Bro- Gen Z Males
Displaced Baby Boomers
All of the Demographics Data Gathered has also been
Verified According to Interviews with Hundreds of
Crypto Millionaires.
You See, I Have Been Away From Publishing for the Past 5 Years, Working as a VIP Asset Manager for a very large
Crypto Exchange .
It was in the course of my work, that I got to Interview hundreds of ‘New’ Crypto Millionaires. This Ebook is based on that research and the help and co-operation of nearly all of them.
I Simply Asked, “ How Did You Get To Be a Millionaire?
Do You Know What, They Told Me…
Main Group – Millennials
Age 28-43
Grew up With Computers
Do Not Share Tech Information with Parents (mostly)
Income over $50,000
University Degree
Tech Saavy
Profit Oriented
As this is the Main Group who have adopted Crypto you may want to target this group. They need only minor education in crytpo. Most are looking for a ‘method’ that will carry them to riches. They Will Learn and Work to Get it.
If You know and understand this age group then promoting to this group will work for you.
Second Group- Crypto Bro
Age 16- 27, and over 80% are Male !
Crypto Bro is not a stereotype or derogatory in any way. It is fact.
80% of them ‘BELIEVE’ they will be CRYPTO MILLIONAIRES !
They grew up with a Cell Phone in their hand since they were six !
They have a large ‘Risk Appetite’, known as Diamond Hands
They use slang and abbreviations in everyday communication
Tech Savvy, Smart and Motivated
22% of Crypto owners are still in High School !
90% are on Facebook
I Have Met a lot of ‘Crypto Bros’ in the past 5 years. They know bull crap when they hear it, so don’t try to scam them, scare them or feed them any bull. They know. A large percentage ‘BELIEVE’ they will be CRYPTO MILLIONAIRES. High School Students who are planning to be Millionaires. This is a great (untapped) target market.
They are looking for a system. Once they learn this system, they are off to the races. Literally, they take action, because they ‘BELIEVE’ that it is their destiny to be a Millionaire. Great group to promote to if you understand the slang and can reach them (especially on Facebook). We can help you. This is actually our preferred group to promote this offer to: they have time to make it work and are motivated.
Third Group-Displaced Baby Boomers
Age from 55-65 -From Early Generation X to the Late Baby Boomers
Least Likely to be involved in Crypto at 9%
Most were not introduced to computers till High School
They have seen the massive adoption of internet and cell phones
Their Children (Millennials) mostly do not share tech info with them
Many are unemployed and facing grim retirement prospects
Most will listen to any ‘Reasonable’ plan for success
Most are feeling ‘Displaced’ in their employment and their personal lives
Their University Degree from the 80’s and 90’s is not getting them a job
Facing overwhelming competition in the job market- 1000 people applying
Being ‘Beat Out’ for Jobs by Gen Z and Millennials who accept lower pay
I know this Group Well. We have talked with so many who have found Crypto to be their salvation financially. It has been wonderful to see so many ‘New’ Crypto Millionaires who are over 60. They learned this plan too. The key to this group is the fact that most were not introduced to computers until they reached High School. They believed in the power of ‘Cash’ not ‘Digital Assets’. If You take the time to explain this to them, you will have a customer for life. Loyalty, integrity and honesty mark this group as very unique. They also have money to invest, to learn and to grow. You can reach them on Facebook too.
A Word to Other Publishers, Super Affiliates and Email List Owners:
We are always happy to discuss any marketing plan, from Cross-Marketing to More Targeted Landing Pages to Special Email List Promos.
Just Ask…. We Will Work with You
A Word to Beginners:
We are more than happy to help New Affiliate Marketers make their dreams come true.
We Started out as Affiliates.
We Know How It Works.
…and we can help you.
Let us know what you need.
Your Friend, Les